It's time for January's Pickle Barrel Promo at PBP! It's been a crazy month here at PBP, and I wasn't sure that I was going to find time to participate this month. But, one afternoon I sat down and drew a few animals in Illustrator...and that was it. I had to keep at it and finish it. The result is called "Animal Attraction". This is a fun little kit that's perfect for Valentine Projects, pages about your crazy kids or for the animals that you love!
If you just love all SIX designer Packs, then buy my 6-Pack! ONE CLICK BUYS ALL SIX AND gives you the FREE GOODIES! This month I'm giving my Hot Mess & Solids Paper Pack FREE with the 6-Pack.(The Hot Mess & Solids Paper Pack is included in the 6-Pack download, so you don't have to add it to your cart or use a coupon code!)

Here's a closer look at my 6-Pack - this is a value of $25.44 for ONLY $6! Grab this one quick - the Pickle Barrel starts today and ends promptly at 11:59 p.m. EST on Monday, January 20!

Here's the freebie that you get when you purchase my "Animal Attraction" 6-Pack. It includes 7 Hot Mess and 7 Solid Papers!

All Pickle Barrel Products are still available individually, so if you prefer to shop that way, you can. Check out my individual packs below (but remember that if you want the FREE Hot Mess & Solid Papers, you have to buy the 6-Pack!)

We've changed the rules just a bit at PBP this month. We have a fabulous Pickle Barrel Bonus kit that you'll get FREE if you spend $12 during the Pickle Barrel Promo. The change is, that you don't have to just buy Pickle Barrel Products. If you spend $12 on ANYTHING in the shop during the promo, you'll get this fantastic kit FREE! You'll definitely want to add this one to your digi stash! The January Pickle Barrel Bonus Kit will automatically be added to your cart once you have $12 of product in your cart!