We have such a fabulous collection of designs for the Pickle Barrel this month...and we have a NEW feature that is going to simplify your shopping and downloading!

Now, when you LOVE all of one designer's Pickle Barrel products (if she created six of them) you can buy all SIX with just ONE CLICK! PLUS, you won't have to remember to add the FWP products to your cart anymore. They'll be included in the 6-Pack Downloads! It doesn't get much easier than that.
The theme that I chose for this month is "From Struggles to Strengths". Life isn't always sunshine & lollipops. We all face challenges and hard times. I'm a firm believer that we need to include those times in our scrapbooks. Use this kit to create pages to show how you've triumphed over tragedy, ganied strength from struggles and became a champion through your challenges. Whether you're dealing with illness, the loss of a loved one, a change in relationships, or even training for your first marathon....this kit is perfect for those pages!
So....grab my 6-PACK, and enjoy the Word Frames that come FREE with all 6-Pack purchases!

Here's a closer look at the Word Frames. I just LOVE these things...so much fun to use over photos!

All Pickle Barrel Products are still available individually, so if you prefer to shop that way, you can. Check out my individual packs below (but remember that if you want the FREE Word Frames, you have to buy the 6-Pack!)

Once I started designing with this theme & color scheme, I just kept going. I have three extra packs that coordinate with my "From Struggles to Strength" Pickle Barrel Packs. AND....just for newsletter subscribers/blog followers - I'm offering an Add-On Bundle that's discounted 30% ONLY during the Pickle Barrel Promo.

You can also buy the individual packs from the Add-On Bundle, and save 20% on each pack.

If you spend $12 on Pickle Barrel Packs this month, you will get this beautiful Pickle Barrel Bonus Kit FREE!

My CT did such a fantastic job with this kit. I love how they tell their stories using my designs...and some of the stories they told with this kit were amazing.

If you left a comment on the sneak peek post on my blog, look at the grahic below to see if you won!

Congrats Britt! Lol, sorry I didn't do a "blonde" happy/sad Girl in this collection *grin* Please email me and I'll let you know how to claim your prize!

Congrats Britt! Lol, sorry I didn't do a "blonde" happy/sad Girl in this collection *grin* Please email me and I'll let you know how to claim your prize!
Remember to share the layouts you create with this collection in my PBP Gallery or on my Facebook Page!